Professional Penetration Test for Your Security

Internal penetration test

Internal Penetration Test

Our security experts conduct an internal test to determine how far attackers can move through the internal network and what damage they can cause. Once attackers gain access to the internal network, for example through phishing emails or vulnerabilities in the infrastructure, it is often possible to take over the entire environment in just a few hours or days. Attackers then often use the rights they have gained to access sensitive data and, for example, to encrypt systems using ransomware.

External Penetration Test

We simulate an attack that accesses your company’s systems exclusively via the Internet. In doing so, we try to identify and exploit security gaps like a hacker from the outside, without causing any damage to the systems, without creating any additional load and without disrupting normal business operations.

External penetration test
Physical penetration test

Physical Penetration Test

Physical penetration tests are systematic and controlled attacks on the physical security of your company. Experts attempt to gain unauthorized access to buildings, sensitive areas or proprietary information in order to uncover security vulnerabilities. This includes everything from bypassing security tokens, access controls and the like.

How the Penetration Test Is Carried Out



Before we begin a penetration test, it is crucial to define the so-called scope of the test together with you. The scope determines the extent and boundaries of the penetration test and ensures that all relevant areas of your IT infrastructure and applications are covered while avoiding unnecessary risks and disruptions.



A penetration test is a systematic process carried out in close cooperation with you as a customer to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure.

Evaluation, assessment and a plan for the future

Evaluation, Assessment and a Plan for the Future

Our final report contains all the vulnerabilities found, which we evaluate based on our customer’s infrastructure. How likely is an attack and what success would it lead to and what would result from it. These questions are included in our assessment. Every vulnerability found is documented, evaluated and a solution is also proposed as to how this vulnerability can be closed.

Proactive monitoring of your perimeter and your cloud services

Proactive Monitoring of Your Perimeter and Your Cloud Services

Our services do not end with penetration testing. A penetration test can only ever be a snapshot of the current actual state of the company’s IT. New, different vulnerabilities are added every day that were not on the screen yesterday.

Integration into our Managed Security Services

Integration Into Our Managed Security Services

We constantly monitor the threat situation of your IT infrastructure and inform you proactively if necessary. Naturally also for your cloud services. We then discuss measures to mitigate the attack vector with your team.

Questions About the evoila Penetration Test

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    In addition to a large number of legal aspects such as the IT Security Act, which is relevant for a large number of companies and should be observed, there are also factors such as loss of reputation and financial damage. These are usually caused by unprotected or unpatched systems in a company’s IT landscape. These days, they are usually triggered by extortionate cyberattacks using encryption Trojans, which are increasingly targeting top performers (keyword: CEO fraud). The “capture” of sensitive data such as customer lists also represents an increased risk, which has steadily increased in recent years.

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    First and foremost, a pentest serves to uncover vulnerabilities in your company’s IT systems. Our pentesters use tools and practices that are also used by cyber criminals. A pentest thus serves to protect your company and makes any risks visible at an early stage. In this way, customer and company data can be proactively protected.

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    We test in 3 steps: According to BSI, according to OWASP (TOP 10) and in close communication with our customers, we carry out exploits to see how far we would get (realistic attack) This has the advantage that our customers are not only compliant, but also really secure on a daily basis. During the penetration test we communicate closely with our customers, critical findings are reported directly.

Penetration Test With evoila

With more than 12 years of experience in the field of penetration testing and the OSCP and CEHv12 certificates, we at evoila GmbH offer a special service – all from a single source. We not only offer the identification and analysis of vulnerabilities, but also actively support you in implementing the recommended measures.

Over the years, we have developed a broad expertise to simulate threat actors with different levels of difficulty and always stay up to date with the constantly evolving trends in cybercrime.

Our team uses proven, certified and innovative tools, techniques and procedures for comprehensive simulation.

References and Certifications

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