Everyone who knows RVTools may wish to add the data into his own database for further investigation of the configuration data. A simple way is to use Powercli and create the appropriate inserts as an sql statement.
The following script uses a generic way to create SQL INSERTS of a arbitrary Powercli command. It is very simple and puts every value in a text field.
function insert-command($command, $table)
$array = @()
$myexpression = "$command | gm -membertype properties"
$members = invoke-expression $myexpression
$items = invoke-expression $command
foreach($item in $items)
foreach ($member in $members)
$insert+= $member.name+", "
$values+= "'"+$item.($member.name)
$values+="', "
$insert = $insert.trimend(", ")
$values = $values.trimend(", ")
$insertstring = "INSERT INTO "+$table+" ("+ $insert+") values ("+$values+")"
$insert ="
$array += $insertstring
return $array
##### Call
$myinserts1 = insert-command "get-vmhost" "vmhost-table"
$myinserts2 = insert-command "get-vm" "vm-table"
Creating a database connection to mysql :
$MySQLDatenbankName = "db_test"
$UserName = "username"
$Password = "password"
## MySQL Provider
[void][system.reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("C:Program Files (x86)MySQLMySQL Connector Net 6.9.4Assembliesv2.0MySql.Data.dll")
$MySqlConnection = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection
$MySqlConnection.ConnectionString = "server=$MySQLServerName;user id=$Username;password=$Password;database=$MySQLDatenbankName;pooling=false"
$MySqlCommand = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand
$MySqlCommand.CommandText = $myinserts1 # Here is the line result of the created inserts
$numberOfRows = $mySqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
write-host $numberOfRows " Zeile eingetragen" #$insert