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or remotely on YouTube.
〰️ Welcome and intro by (AWS Hero) & ę
✔️ „How to migrate 500 apps to the cloud” – , IT HUB at Philip Morris
✔️ „How to apply GitOps using AWS on fully a serverless architecture” – , AWS Switzerland
〰️ Discussion, Q&A & Giveaways
Details about Speakers & Talks
☞ :
started as a Java developer and SAP consultant. 5 years back switched to mobile for the last 3 years fully in the cloud area. Managing a small team of architects and engineers in Krakow. Passionate about Python and History (non-IT).
Story of Philip Morris International, where we decided to close all our central and local data centers, cause we think that cloud is better/cheaper/easier. Going from the app portfolio classification, app discovery, execution, and establishing new support models. On the road – all mistakes, failed assumptions, and wrong architectural decisions, that we did and what we learned from them.
☞ – Senior Solution Architect for AWS based in Geneva, Switzerland, and the SA Lead at AWS for PMI.
Eric has a background in Software Engineering and has worked across many industries including startup (his own), private banks, aerospace, and digital unicorns in Europe.
: how to apply GitOps using AWS on fully a serverless architecture based on Amazon ECS and Amazon RDS for Aurora. We will flood our really cheap architecture with thousands of requests per second. While most architecture would collapse at this stage, we will do a smooth-rolling update using a GitOps branching model.