Consulting, Deployment, and Operation of a Productive Cloud Platform

VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGI) is a Kubernetes-based container solution with extended network functionality, a private container registry, and life cycle management. TKGI facilitates the provision and operation of Kubernetes clusters, so that you can run and manage containers in a large scale in private and public clouds. Thanks to TKGI, you can provide, run, and manage Kubernetes clusters via the TKGI Control Plane.

evoila supports you in the following areas of VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated:

  • Usage of OpsMan (Operations Manager) as management tool for the whole installation. We install it and support you during every step.
  • Integration of BOSH as management tool for virtual machines. We support you in BOSH CLI usage and are at your disposal in case of questions.
  • Kubernetes Cluster-as-a-Service
  • Drafting of various deployment models within the infrastructure (availability zone concept in BOSH, stretched cluster, and multi-site deployment).
  • DevOps and CI/CD in a modern container platform.
  • Optional: Full NSX-T integration with the NCP plugin.

Our Offer

Our project starts with the architectural discussion and the concept draft. The latter shows, how it shall be deployed. Together, we discuss the requirements on both sides. We also supply best practices about what should be available during installation. This in turn is the base for the adaptation of the solution to make it tailored to your application.

Then the installation is performed. This can be performed on-premises or remote with or without access to your environment. If desired, we create documents reflecting the status quo and describing processes like “permissions scheme” or “updates”.

We also support you in installing other tools, covering the following use cases:

  • Alerting
  • Logging
  • Monitoring
  • Backup and recovery
  • Infrastructure deployment via CI/CD
  • Kubernetes operators
  • DNS-as-a-Service
  • Identity and access management
  • Ingress controller

VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated’s Strengths

VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated is a proven Kubernetes container platform, which has grown stronger and more compact during the years. Although there are newer solutions, it is still an excellent choice. This applies in particular to users already having experience with BOSH or running legacy Pivotal products (Tanzu Application Service). The following aspects are useful:

Suited for large productive environments (ready to production).

There is a broad knowledge base for the product because it had been the only solution from Pivotal/VMware to realize container platforms.

VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated is based on other tools, which have their own development cycle (BOSH and OpsManager).

In contrast to other products, TKGI offers various deployment models, which go by your infrastructure.

Support for multi-cloud environments.

Docker as standard CE, NSX-T for networking, Harbor as image registry.

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